The Lake of Fire in the Book of Revelation


HERE IT IS... Heb 12:29.... For our God is a CONSUMING FIRE. Therefore everything in this world MUST BE DEALTH WITH BY HOLY GHOST FIRE AND CLEANSING POWER For our Jesus is A LIVING BREATHING HOLY GHOST FIRE Thus every once of the fallen.... carnal.... literal.... natural minded.... fleshy.... earthy realm of fallen nature and demonic character of the beast nature MUST BE CAST INTO THE HOLY FIERY PRESENCE OF THE LORD JESUS HIMSELF..... THEREFORE "ALL THINGS" MUST BE DEALTH WITH.... by the Holy Presence of the LAKE OF FIRE AND BRIMSTONE which spiritually reveals all things shall be consumed into his holy glory and might..... Now this Lake of Fire and Brimstone is none other than the presence of the LORD JESUS HIMSELF in the power of the Spirit of the Lord himself.... dealing with and divinely judging everything that pertains to the carnal realms of wood..... hay and stubble....  

HERE IT IS AGAIN.... Rev 20:15

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. What and who is this BOOK OF LIFE.... yes Jesus is the LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE.... This is a spiritual revelation of the RESURRECTED life and glory of JESUS HIMSELF..... Now anything NOT found IN HIM.... LIKE HIM .... IN HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS... Must BE CAST INTO FIRE..... be burnt with and in HOLY GHOST PURIFING.... CLEANSING FIRE.... Which is the Holy Presence of Jesus himself.... ALL THINGS.... must be purified by fire.... ALL THINGS must be cleansed ....BY THE LAKE OF FIRE AND BRIMSTONE.... For our Jesus is this fiery lake of holy ghost fire..... For we have been baptized into the Holy Ghost and FIRE..... and his holy power for the purpose of purification and cleansing.....  

HERE IT IS.... Deu 4:24

For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.

Jesus sees his creation in which he created.... in which he shed his life's blood for.... living in spiritual captivity unto the lust an desire of the flesh realm..... THEREFORE HE IS JEALOUS FOR THE LIBERTY OF ALL CREATION..... Here is the power of his firey cleansing power and the manifestation thereof..... Rom 8:21.... Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 

Deu 9:3.... Understand therefore this day, that the LORD thy God is he which goeth over before thee; AS A CONSUMING FIRE he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face: so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the LORD hath said unto thee. Notice the fiery aspect of our God's nature is designed to bring divine righteousness judgment upon ALL FLESH.... ALL GREED.... ALL FLESHY LUST.... Notice his fiery life goes before us..... AS A CONSUMING FIRE he shall DESTROY DEATH.... THE REALMS OF SPIRITUAL DEATH.... all the realm of the dead in the spiritual grave ..... the realm of the spiritually dead.... SHALL HEAR HIS VOICE....   

In the natural world using fire was an important step in the CLEANSING process of civilization. The ancients learned to make bronze with fire, and later iron came.... BY FIRE. Today we make high-grade steel in huge blast FIERY furnaces. If properly controlled, fire purifies the elements it touches.... while separating the pure from the dross. Different heat levels are needed to purify certain elements. It takes a higher leve of the dealing of fiery dealings for some strongholds..... If there’s not enough heat, the element remains impure, but if there’s too much, the element is consumed.  

We, too, are like the elements that need to be refined BY HIS FIERY PRESENCE! What are the impurities IN US.... that need to be burned off.... THE FLESHY REALMS OF.... pride, lust, anger, intolerance, impatience, greed, foolishness, fear, doubt, negativity, hatred, unforgiveness, self-seeking, desire..... THE WORKS OF THE FLESH which control and dominate and rule the hearts of men..... MUST BE DEATH WITH BY THE LAKE OF FIRE AND BRIMSTONE..... THIS LAKE IS A REVELATION OF THE ..... LORD JESUIS HIMSELF? Whatsoever is NOT LIKE HIM..... shall burn in his holy presence.....  

How much heat will it take to purify US.... a red flame dimension, a blue, a white? Would we be able to “take the heat,” or would we be burned up? HERE IT IS..... Malachi doubted that any of us could withstand the heat of God’s fiery presence and power! “Who shall stand when He appears? For He shall be like a refiner’s fire…” (Malachi 3:2).    

What fires are ignited in our souls as the Lord comes to His temple and sits in His temple as a refiner’s fire.... AS A CONSUMING HOLY PURIFING FIRE! The natural man can’t stand! THE BEAST NATURE CAN'T STAND IN HIS HOLY PRESENCE..... NO FLESH CAN STAND BEFORE HIM.... AND LIVE..... Thank God, the outer man of flesh is not pure enough to handle the all-consuming fiery presence of God! Our purification means the annihilation of our carnal, human consciousness! No matter how good we think our human life is, getting close to a holy fireball will consume us. That is good news! Adam is being consumed! THE WHOLE EARTH REALM IS BEING PURIFIED BY HIS GLORY LIFE AND POWER.... Every impurity of our old natural, human identity is being burnt out of us, going up in smoke! God is burning up one realm, cutting off a realm from us, so that we cannot live there any longer. THAT IS WHAT THE FIRST TRUMPET PROCLAIMS!

 OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE! We understand not why fire has been represented to us as something so terrible.... these misrepresentations have come from carnal.... literal and unlearned men..... , so frightening, so hideous that we should try to avoid it. If our approach and way back to God is through fire, as revealed by the "FLAMING SWORD OF HIS HOLY WORD AND PRESENCE" which is spiritually placed at Eden’s gate.... THUS REVEALING SPIRITUALLY UNTO US..... BEING CAUGHT UP INTO HIS HEAVENS OF THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND REVELATION..... why do we always try to get out of the fire OF WHO HE IS? Why do we evade the HIS FIERY PRESENCE? Why expend such energy and effort to try and pray ourselves out of the fire? Fire, in the scriptures, symbolizes TWO SPIRITUAL things.... TWO SPIRITUAL REALITIES..... GOD'S HOLY DIVINE JUDGMENT AGAINST ALL FLESH and GOD'S HOLY PURIFING AND CLEANSING POWER.  

But God is not schizophrenic in His nature..... one side of His character disposed to forgive, heal, save, redeem, deliver, and restore, while another part of His nature is bent on vengeful destruction and sadistic torture of His enemies. His action in fire, like His action in grace, is pure, harmonious, and balanced, directed towards the purging that will lead to restoration and perfection. AS GOD'S HOLY PRESENCE APPEARS IN THE MIDST OF HIS HOLY TEMPLE...... HIS FIERY PRESENC CONSUMES.....THE SIN MAN.... THE FIRST MAN WHICH IS OF THE EARTH AND IS EARTHY BY NATURE AND CHARACTER.... THUS HIS HOLY PRESENCE.... PURIFIES... THE NEW CREATION MAN..... THE MAN IN WHICH IS THE LORD FROM HEAVEN..... THUS FIRE CONSUMES SIN... AND BRINGS FORTH HOLINESS AND GODLINESS.... 

 His fire cleanses the believer... THE NEW CREATURE IN CHIRST.... that He may qualify for God’s highest! His action of fire towards the unbeliever is to the same end, conditioning and preparing that one for good results, when, having been broken and purged from pride and rebellion, he bows low before the Saviour, humbly and penitently receiving the gracious FREE GIFT OF LIFE. The fire does not save him, but it removes the hindrance that separates him from the kind mercy of the Lord. ONLY THE LORD JESUS HIMSELF SAVES..... THERE IS ONLY..... ONE WAY TO THE FATHER.... JESUS SO WONDERFUL IS THE FATHER'S ONLY WAY.... Yet the preachers rant and rave, threatening unbelievers and dangling sinners over the eternal damnation of hells flames..... of hell fire..... 

Blessings All....

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