You can
learn to be led by the Holy Spirit whether
you have
been a Christian for two months or
twenty years.
The first requirement is spiritual
You may be
able to
spirituality at church, but you can't fool God.
He knows if
you're hungry or not. And that
makes all the difference
- Blessed are those who hunger and
thirst for
righteousness, For they shall be filled.
Luke.6:21 -
Blessed are you who hunger now, For
you shall be
filled. Blessed are you who weep now,
For you
shall laugh.
There's a
promise of spiritual satisfaction to those
who hunger
and thirst for the Lord
Hunger is
usually a sign of good health. When a
recovers from an illness, the first thing they
want to do
is eat.
The same is
true with spiritual hunger. When we
have a
strong hunger for the things of God, it is a
sign that we
are spiritually healthy.
Lack of
hunger for God is an indication that
something is
wrong with you spiritually
hunger is one of the most important keys
to the
presence of God and function in the
being driven by hunger for the things of
God, you
will be ordinary
It is hunger
that gives you access to the storehouse
of the
Hunger also
brings great delight to the heart of
God and is
the most important quality that God
looks for in
our lives.
*What is
spiritual hunger?*
Hunger for
God is the longing to encounter Him, to
be with Him,
and to be filled with His Spirit.
Hunger is an
active state, for it results in you
seeking out
the object of desire that will satisfy your
It is a
strong desire for God’s presence and power.
We see an
example of this in the life of Moses.
When God
told him that an angel would go before
them and
cause them to possess the Promised Land,
Moses told
God that he was not interested unless
God went
with him.
presence of God was more important to him
than the
blessings of God*. Exodus 33:15
Hunger is
manifested by our dependence on God.
The day you
learn to live and function outside God
is the day
you know that your hunger for God is
Why is it
that everyone that mentions the name of
the Lord
does not carry him? Because genuine
hunger will
separate those who truly seek Him
spiritual hunger is manifested by our
openness to
the Holy Spirit and the word of God.
The way to
know when you start backsliding is to
check your
hunger for spiritual things
Jesus said
that man shall live by every word that
from the mouth of God.
If we have a
hunger for God, then we will also
have a
hunger for His word. We love to read the
Bible and
meditate on His word.
Luke.4:4 -
But Jesus answered him, saying, "It is
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word
of God."'
Three keys
to understanding spiritual hunger:
1.Hunger is
a gift.
I regularly
thank God for the gift of hunger in my
Spiritual hunger is not something that you can
make up or
take credit for...
It is a gift
not of ourselves, but of God, as He draws
us near to
Himself. It all starts with Him.
John 6:44 -
No one can come to Me unless the
Father who
sent Me draws him; and I will raise him
up at the
last day.
You can't
come to Him unless He draws you...
Meaning that
he is the one that gives you the
hunger to
run after Him
All my life
I have always wanted to serve God even
when I was
in the primary school.... Why? It was
the Lord
that put that hunger there
When we
sense a burning sensation in our hearts, a
tugging to
get away and be with Him, to know Him
more, to
read the Bible, to ask questions about Him,
to just be
near people who know Him… it is not a
emotion or a passing phase. It is the
drawing of
the Holy Spirit.
they said to one another, "Did not
our heart
burn within us while He talked with us
on the road,
and while He opened the Scriptures to
It's a
feeling that indicates the drawing of the Spirit
must be acted upon or it will fade.
identifiable desire for God is the work of the
Holy Spirit
drawing you closer to heaven’s
table, to deeper relationship with God.
If you don't
act on the hunger for God in your
heart, it
will fade away
Songs of
Solomon.2:4 - He brought me to the
house, And his banner over me was
It is the
Lord that will bring you to the banqueting
KIA! You
can't draw yourself oooo
It’s an
invitation to feast on the things that truly
satisfy the
stirring a hunger and awareness of your need
so that you
will come to Him to be filled
Someone in
this group.... The Lord have been
giving you
signals in your heart to isolate yourself
and just be
with him but you have been "too busy"
for him....
If you continue to ignore that leading, it
will fade
away... And you will miss the goodies that
the Spirit
have for you.
Isaiah 55:1
- "Ho! Everyone who thirsts, Come to
the waters;
And you who have no money, Come,
buy and eat.
Yes, come, buy wine and milk Without
money and
without price.
Isaiah 55.2
- Why do you spend money for what is
not bread,
And your wages for what does not
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is
good, And
let your soul delight itself in abundance.
If you don't
have money... Don't worry. You will
still buy
wine and milk...
Guess what?
You will buy without Money! Glory!
In the realm
of the spirit, money is not the currency
for transactions... No. Not at all.
In the realm
of the spirit, the currency for
is hunger.
If you are
hungry, You will buy enough
The Bible
says, buy without money and without
Because the
transaction medium is on the economy
of the
controls the economy of the Spirit!
There's a
pretty simple spiritual law: If you feed
the hunger,
it will grow. If you ignore the hunger,
it will
fade. This leads to the next point…
begets hunger.
The more you
get, the more you will continue to
The more you
taste, the more you want. (Psalm
34:8) It’s a
cycle of spiritual life and growth.
- Oh, taste and see that the LORD is
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
It’s a cycle
of spiritual life and growth.
The opposite
is true as well. The less spiritually
hungry we
are, the less we will desire of God, the
less we will
be filled. That is a cycle, not of spiritual
growth, but
of spiritual apathy. Lack of hunger is
introduction of lukewarmness.
will often lead to backsliding
God loves to
stir within us a desire that takes us
past a faint
awareness of Him, and into a life-style
of walking
with Him as our source of fulfilment.
are those who HUNGER and thirst for
for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6
This is the
reason that you each you spend time to
with the Spirit, You feel fulfilled within
If you check
yourself and you can't find your
hunger for
God... Then you have drifted away from
the path of
spiritual fire.
*How do we
know that we are hungry for God?*
1. We will
do anything ,go anywhere to meet with
In the
natural, hungry people are desperate people,
they will do
anything and go anywhere to receive
something to
Hunger is
one of the strongest motivations of a
In some
countries, they will stand in long queues
all day long
just to receive some bread. In the same
way, if we
are spiritually hungry, we will do
even if it costs us money and it is
to meet with God and to have His
reality in
our lives.
2.We love to
spend time in God’s presence:
If we are
hungry of God then it is not difficult for
us to pray,
read the Bible and worship God.
We experience
the reality of that verse that says,
“deep calls
unto deep".
Something in
us yearns for something in God.
However, if
we feel we do not have this hunger, we
can begin to
draw near to God today by faith and
our hunger
for God will begin to increase.
James says,
“Draw near to God and He will draw
near to
James 4:8
3. We have a
desire to meet with other Christians:*
When you
begin to *avoid* the gathering of fellow
who will motivate you into knowing the
Lord more,
then know that your hunger for the
Lord is gone
and you are on the path to death(
“We know
that we have passed from death to life,
because we
love the brethren. He who does not love
his brother
abides in death.” 1 John 3:14
One of my
favourite Psalms says that“Those that
are planted
in the house of the LORD shall flourish
in the
courts of our God. They shall still bring forth
fruit in old
age; they shall be fat and flourishing;”
4.We lose
our appetite for the things of the world*:
many things we do and watch are not
sinful, they
should not control our lives.
Our love and
hunger for God is often measured by
our lack of
desire for the things of the world.
“Love not
the world, nor the things of the world. If
anyone loves
the world, the love of the Father is not
in him.”
1John 2:15
5. We are
joyful and excited about the things of
God: The
Bible says that“the Kingdom of God is
not meat and
drink, but righteousness, peace and
joy in the
Holy Spirit.” ROMANS 14:17
When our
Christian lives become boring, it means
we may be
losing our hunger for God.
people are always excited and enthusiastic
about the
things of God and about following Jesus.
They love to
talk about the Lord and what He is
6. We easily
receive the blessings of God:The book
of Proverbs
says,“A full soul loathes the
but to the hungry soul, every bitter
thing is
sweet.” proverbs27:7
In the
natural, hungry people are not fussy what
they eat,
they will even eat a dry piece of bread, and
they will eat
anything! Even “bitter things seem
sweet to
them!” In the same way, those who are
hungry for
God are easily edified and blessed.
They will
always find something that blesses and
are humble
enough to receive from anyone whom
God chooses.
Hunger for
God will deliver the spirit to you
Hunger will
download God to You
If you have
not downloaded, You can't upload too
Your hunger
will download God into your spirit.
Ask God to
give you the gift of hunger: The Bible
says that if
“we ask anything according to the will
of God, God
will hear us, and if he hears us, we
have the
petition that we have asked for.”
Hunger is
the will of God
Ask God to
born in you an insatiable hunger for
hungry, it will be difficult to chase after
being thirsty, You can't drink enough
It is hunger
that deepens your capacity to carry
Open your
mouth right now and speak in the Spirit
where you
Begin to
talk to the Lord now....
Father we
ask for your hunger to be born in us.
Somebody I
see you.... After tonight, your Spiritual
life is
coming back in Jesus name
I see
another person, I see your prayer life fully
restored in
Jesus name!
I saw
another person... The Lord said He is
your hunger for the miraculous. You
will begin
to walk in the miraculous.
person, it is your hunger for the word that
is being
restored now, in Jesus name!
I see a lot
of restoration going on tonight.
I see
another person, your study life is being
now. In the past, each time you try to
study, You
fall asleep... That situation is over now
in Jesus
person, the fire of the spirit is burning in
your heart
now.... Go on and enter a some season of
prayers to
maximize the drawing of the spirit.
person that have backslided... The Lord
said he has
restored you now!
Someone that
have been desiring the ability to
study the
word of the with revelations pouring
down.... The
Lord said that he has answered your
heart desires...
Oh I thank
you oh Lord!
You are
restoring things...
Thank you
I feel the
anointing of the Spirit.... Oh Glory
This is the lowest you will ever be..
You will
only move upwards in Jesus name.
Father we
thank you for such a sweet moment with
you. Be thou
glorified in Jesus name.
God bless
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